How Destructive are you Allowing your Growing Anger to Become?
Let me put your mind at ease. This is not another article written to promote a divisive agenda or stir up anger in any way. If you follow me at all, I hope you know by now that it is not my style at all. So I don’t want to make you angry today, but I do want you to consider your anger today.
If you’re like me and pretty much every other human on the planet, you can easily justify your anger. And I’m guessing you do it much more than you realize. But before we get too far down the rabbit hole, allow me to pause you for a moment and to ask you to consider your own self-anger. Again, I’m sensing your dismissiveness around this topic, but I’m also betting there’s more smoldering under the surface than you realize.
…How Destructive are you Allowing your Growing Anger to Become?Read More »