
How do You See the World? What are you telling yourself?

The more I study and coach a positive-mindset lifestyle, the more I realize how key self-talk is to our overall mental health. In fact, I would argue it affects virtually every area of life. In addition to Mental, I would add Spiritual, Physical, Family, Financial, Personal, and Career, to name a few.

If you don’t believe me, try it for yourself. If you feel a certain way, I can almost guarantee you will in that same certain way. For example, if you are convinced you can never do something, you are well on your way to a self-fulfilling prophecy. Of course, the opposite is also true. Steadfast belief combined with ongoing effort is likely to produce remarkable results over time.

33 Years Worth of Learning, One Day at a Time

Last week, a friend encouraged me, for at least the second time, to write about my experiences and my lessons learned while working my whole life in my family’s business. For those who may not know, I started working alongside my father when I was ten or eleven years old, helping him pack and ship shoes to customers.

As I grew, I worked after school for several years during high school and when home on breaks away from college. I graduated from college on Saturday and Monday morning I was at work where I always knew I wanted to be, working for my mother and father in our wholesale women’s shoe company. I never worked anywhere else for a day in my life for the next 33 and a half years. And never wanted to.