
When You Join the Race Toward Peak Performance, What Do You Feed Your Mind?

I believe that everyone has aspirations of being better, doing better, and having more. Especially if you are reading this post and have followed my journey over the last couple of years, I attempted to give you aims, attitudes, and aspirations that you can use to achieve your biggest dreams and goals.

Yes, if you are honest with yourself, you want to leave a legacy for future members of your family, your friends, and your business and for your life to have mattered once you are near the end. Not everyone feels this way, but I don’t talk to or interact with many who don’t. They’re just not part of my audience. And that’s ok. But since you’re here, Mr. or Ms. Legacy Builder, let’s continue!

How do You See the World? What are you telling yourself?

The more I study and coach a positive-mindset lifestyle, the more I realize how key self-talk is to our overall mental health. In fact, I would argue it affects virtually every area of life. In addition to Mental, I would add Spiritual, Physical, Family, Financial, Personal, and Career, to name a few.

If you don’t believe me, try it for yourself. If you feel a certain way, I can almost guarantee you will in that same certain way. For example, if you are convinced you can never do something, you are well on your way to a self-fulfilling prophecy. Of course, the opposite is also true. Steadfast belief combined with ongoing effort is likely to produce remarkable results over time.