Take Action

The Essential Skill Needed: Act Your Way Into Feeling

If you’re like most people I know and talk to, you’re largely happy and fulfilled with what you are doing and where you perceive your life is headed. You work hard, you love well, and sometimes you even take a little time for yourself to recharge your batteries. I also hope in recent weeks, like me, you have been able and comfortable to regather with friends and in groups and to remember how great it is to interact with like-minded human beings. 

However, if they are honest, most people also feel a hole or a sense of loss in the pit of their stomachs. They know they could and should be doing more and fulfilling a higher calling in their life. For some people, it’s just a feeling. There is a clear picture they have in mind to accomplish, but the cares of the world and their jam-packed schedules never allow them the time to get where they want to go. And that leads to frustration. Sound familiar?

The Guaranteed Cure to Overcome Frustration – Finish What You Started

I’ll begin this post with a warning. What I am about to tell you, you are very likely to discard or ignore. Stick with me though, because there is a promise at the end that I believe is worth investing a few minutes of your time. Please know why I can say that you are likely to ignore my words because I encounter so many people in the same situation. 

If you feel stuck, frustrated, unable to get off the hamster wheel of life, and unfulfilled, you are not alone. In fact, I could make a case based on my experience talking to people every day that you are in the majority. Whether the situation you find yourself in is related to work, family, physical, or any other area of your life, I understand your feelings of disappointment or despair. And I offer you a simple solution that you can begin today.