
Do You Have the Intrepidity to be Encouraging?

Last week as we celebrated Thanksgiving, I was so moved by a number of different messages I received both personally and electronically that were encouraging in nature. It makes me wish that we could celebrate my favorite Holiday every month. 

As most of the world now turns its attention towards Christmas, I want to encourage you to camp out on giving thanks at least for a few more days. Why should you or I wait for one time a year when we truly express our gratitude for our blessings and the people who help to create them?

Thankful or Grateful? Don’t Just Say it, Show it!

It’s Thanksgiving week. No greater time to be thankful and count our blessings. If you read and/or subscribe to my weekly blog and newsletter, I want to sincerely thank YOU. I can truly say in all humility that I hope I never know the impact my words might have on others and that I would never base my success on the number of people who subscribe, like, or share. My only goal is to serve.

So, if you follow me or read my posts at all, you know how much I love quotes. In fact, I recorded a video on my YouTube channel a couple of weeks ago where I tell you how and why I believe motivational quotes will change your life. You can watch it here. Last week, I came across a quote I have never read before that rocked my world and I couldn’t wait to share it with you this week.