
Are you Accepting Good Enough Because Your Fear is Great?

The more people I talk to and interact with, the more I hear it. Oh, it isn’t necessarily the same words, the same circumstances, or the same reasons but at the core, so many of us are overwrought with fear. There are plenty of sources that we blame for it, and certainly, almost a year into a global pandemic and all of the socioeconomic repercussions and fallout take it to the top of the list.

The truth is, if we didn’t have a pandemic we would create other excuses. Although most everyone knows what they need to do to overcome it, few people actually do it. Why is the pullback to comfortable so, well, comfortable? I don’t have all of the answers but the prevalence of this phenomenon cannot be ignored, and I hope to not only expose it with this post but to give you suggestions for how to overcome it beginning today.

Your Mind is a Wonderful Thing to Challenge

As we approach the end of summer, a time in which families traditionally start planning for back to school, we find ourselves still immersed in the complexities and uncertainties of the global pandemic and changing world. We are all facing challenges, most of which we have no control over and a few over which we do.

Your mindset, attitude, disposition, and mood are all things well within your control and worth contemplating as we all face an uncertain short-term future. If you are a person who is always seeking challenges and growth I cannot think of a more worthy challenge than to focus on your mind and how you use it.

Action Equals Achievement that Dreams will Never Accomplish

When it comes to accomplishments in life, no matter whether it is personal, professional, relational; or any other facet, there are dreamers and there are achievers. If you’re like most people, you likely see yourself as the latter rather than the former.

If you’re not sure, or if you find yourself with a lot of dreams but not a lot of accomplishments I want to share with you in this post what separates dreamers from achievers and the three easy steps to transition into someone who is consistently achieving their goals and desires.

Making the Right Choice to Follow, not Unsubscribe

I truly believe that one of the biggest reasons that our race relations have devolved into such a poor state is that we have forgotten how to have face-to-face conversations. I don’t want to solely blame social media but I do think that who we are, what we say, and how we act on social media is drastically different than how we act if we are having a personal conversation. 

On social media, many people are rude, condescending, and downright distasteful. Personal attacks are the norm and if it goes too far, you simply block, unfollow, or close your account. Instead of using the “Unsubscribe” button, why don’t we try to not only follow, but engage with other people who think, live, and look different than we do?