
Redefining Failure as Merely a Setback with Opportunities

Welcome to the second half of 2020! Ordinarily the first of July allows us to pause for the fourth of July Holiday and evaluate our successes in the first half of the year and plan for how we will endeavor to accomplish even more in the second half of the year. But none of us have ever experienced a year like this one so far.

Matching the frustration and unpredictability of the first six months of 2020, we have no greater clarity into what will happen in the back half of the year from an economic, political, and pandemic perspective, among other things.  

Overcoming Reasons Your Results aren’t Growing

Since I made the decision to write a book a little over a year ago, I have become familiar with a term that prior to that time I don’t know if I had ever heard. Since becoming acquainted with it, I seem to hear it and become challenged to overcome it almost daily. What is that term? Imposter Syndrome.

It’s not that this doesn’t exist for you and me, even if we are not aware of it, in fact, most of us are asked to confront it almost daily. If you are not, I would argue that you are suppressing some deep, longing desires to try something but the Imposter Syndrome keeps you in your comfort zone.