Eric Harrison

Personal Growth is the Reward of a Healthy Self Image

In the past several weeks, with encouragement from my wife, I have begun familiarizing myself with the Enneagram. I have heard many people discuss it in the past, yet never explored it for myself until, like many things I learn, I was encouraged to do so by my mate.

I am still a veritable novice in understanding and grasping all of the intricacies of it, and in fact, am still trying to determine if I know for sure what my Enneagram number is. What is has opened for me, and I want to encourage you with this week, is the desire to take a deeper dive than I ever have into self-discovery.

Do You Have a Dream? Realizing it is Invaluable

I am encountering more and more people who are carrying with them a deep-rooted dream. That’s good news. The bad news is that they have been carrying this dream with them for many, many years, if not most of their lives.

The question is why would someone carry something so important and valuable to them for so long without acting upon it? The simple answer is one of two things, neither of which are good. Fear or excuses. Fear that they could never become the person of their dreams or excuses why everything has to be “just right” in order for their dreams to become a reality.

Your Mind is a Wonderful Thing to Challenge

As we approach the end of summer, a time in which families traditionally start planning for back to school, we find ourselves still immersed in the complexities and uncertainties of the global pandemic and changing world. We are all facing challenges, most of which we have no control over and a few over which we do.

Your mindset, attitude, disposition, and mood are all things well within your control and worth contemplating as we all face an uncertain short-term future. If you are a person who is always seeking challenges and growth I cannot think of a more worthy challenge than to focus on your mind and how you use it.

How do You See the World? What are you telling yourself?

The more I study and coach a positive-mindset lifestyle, the more I realize how key self-talk is to our overall mental health. In fact, I would argue it affects virtually every area of life. In addition to Mental, I would add Spiritual, Physical, Family, Financial, Personal, and Career, to name a few.

If you don’t believe me, try it for yourself. If you feel a certain way, I can almost guarantee you will in that same certain way. For example, if you are convinced you can never do something, you are well on your way to a self-fulfilling prophecy. Of course, the opposite is also true. Steadfast belief combined with ongoing effort is likely to produce remarkable results over time.

Turn Home Alone into A Beautiful Life

Home Alone. Hard to believe that movie is 30 years old. It was a household favorite of ours when my children were little. Who knew that a then 10-year old Macaulay Culkin screaming and running through the house 30 years later would symbolize millions of Americans more or less left home alone for over four months?

If you’re like me, much of the distancing I have been doing for months now feels like a lot more than just social. It’s emotional. It’s mental. And it’s psychological. But just like young Kevin in Home Alone, we have to learn to adjust. We may have to psyche ourselves up a bit, but in the end, we will learn a lot about ourselves and come to appreciate others more.

How Comfortable are you to Challenge your Future?

There is a question that we were all asked as children. The answers usually were irrelevant as we grew up and left childhood dreams behind. For some, however, perhaps the dream never died. Either way, as we became parents and our friends became parents, we carried on the multigenerational tradition of asking the question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Wrong question. 

I want to challenge you to begin a revolution to change this tradition. Not to squash the dreams of children, rather give them more altitude. Perhaps it is because our world is undergoing monumental changes. Truly I believe no matter what out of our control conditions exist, the question needs a small tweak with the first word. It’s a slight change but one that will make all the difference – for the child and for the world.

WHO do you want to be when you grow up?”

Action Equals Achievement that Dreams will Never Accomplish

When it comes to accomplishments in life, no matter whether it is personal, professional, relational; or any other facet, there are dreamers and there are achievers. If you’re like most people, you likely see yourself as the latter rather than the former.

If you’re not sure, or if you find yourself with a lot of dreams but not a lot of accomplishments I want to share with you in this post what separates dreamers from achievers and the three easy steps to transition into someone who is consistently achieving their goals and desires.

Redefining Failure as Merely a Setback with Opportunities

Welcome to the second half of 2020! Ordinarily the first of July allows us to pause for the fourth of July Holiday and evaluate our successes in the first half of the year and plan for how we will endeavor to accomplish even more in the second half of the year. But none of us have ever experienced a year like this one so far.

Matching the frustration and unpredictability of the first six months of 2020, we have no greater clarity into what will happen in the back half of the year from an economic, political, and pandemic perspective, among other things.  

What’s Your Life Worth? Get Clarity on Your Values

Recently, a friend of mine asked me how in tune I was with my values. My immediate answer was to say, “oh, I am totally in touch with what my personal core values are.” Like a good friend, however, he pushed me and asked again, “No, really, how in touch are you with your values and committed to living according to them.”

Perhaps like me, if you are honest, that causes you to pause and really consider the question. If you are able to ask yourself “why is this important” two or three times, I believe you will get into some very important, deep connection with yourself and your intentions for living.

Making the Right Choice to Follow, not Unsubscribe

I truly believe that one of the biggest reasons that our race relations have devolved into such a poor state is that we have forgotten how to have face-to-face conversations. I don’t want to solely blame social media but I do think that who we are, what we say, and how we act on social media is drastically different than how we act if we are having a personal conversation. 

On social media, many people are rude, condescending, and downright distasteful. Personal attacks are the norm and if it goes too far, you simply block, unfollow, or close your account. Instead of using the “Unsubscribe” button, why don’t we try to not only follow, but engage with other people who think, live, and look different than we do?