
How Overcoming Your Biggest Difficulty Will Launch You to Your Best Opportunity

Yes, I recognize that we are already well over a quarter of the way into 2021. As we consider how to move forward into the rest of the year, I have a simple suggestion for you this week that will pay off for you not only for the balance of this year but many years into the future. As with almost anything worth doing, it is simple, but it’s not easy.

Thankfully, as things begin to recover from a year we hope we will never have to endure again, we can begin to gain perspective on all that has taken place in the last year or so. I realize that many have suffered significant losses of freedoms, jobs, and even loved ones. I am not suggesting we forget about those things and those people. I am suggesting we honor them by how we embrace our future.

Never Stop Pursuing Your Dreams and Never Fail to Start

Perhaps you have heard the old saying, “it’s always too soon to quit, and it’s never too late to start.” Which got me thinking this week about how resolute I and we have become in the face of calamities, uncertainties, and fears that none of us could have ever imagined one year ago. 

Perhaps I am just getting old(er), as I celebrated another trip around the sun earlier this month, nevertheless, time seems to be passing very quickly and a year goes by in the blink of an eye. Yes, even 2020. Sure, we all have long days, but I’m telling you the years keep slipping away.

An Easy Way to Discover if Your Goals and Dreams are Important

It’s hard to believe that 2020 is almost over. For many of you, that may be very welcome news. No matter who you are or what you do, this year has been filled with opportunities to evaluate problems and focus on solutions unlike any other year in history. 

If you’re like me, as the remaining days in the current year begin to wane, my mind starts looking towards the coming New Year and what I hope to accomplish. Hopefully, you are also beginning to start thinking about 2021 and how you want to advance.

Will Your Future Depend on your Dreams? Be Creative and Sure

How in touch are you with your dreams? How often do you intentionally create opportunities to minimize, or better yet, eliminate distractions and dream? If you’re like most people, your answer is likely either a) I don’t or b) I don’t remember the last time. This week, I hope to encourage you to change both of those answers.

For, you see, I believe that not only is dreaming important, but it also helps you create your future. Yes, as John Lennon sang many years ago, “You can say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” In fact, I would argue that most people who achieve any level of success in any area of life make dreaming and visualization an integral part of their routine.

Having Great Intentions vs. Being Intentionally Great

I believe that everyone has dreams and desires to be, do, and have better things than they currently possess. I also believe that many people who reach the age where they begin to evaluate their lives, which I purport begins somewhere in their early 40’s. Although they have reached some level of success they feel somewhat or greatly unfulfilled.

This week I want to challenge you to consider your intentions versus your actions. You see, I believe so many people have great intentions to do things that would not only greatly impact their lives, but potentially the lives of many others. The problem is they just don’t do them.

Personal Growth is the Reward of a Healthy Self Image

In the past several weeks, with encouragement from my wife, I have begun familiarizing myself with the Enneagram. I have heard many people discuss it in the past, yet never explored it for myself until, like many things I learn, I was encouraged to do so by my mate.

I am still a veritable novice in understanding and grasping all of the intricacies of it, and in fact, am still trying to determine if I know for sure what my Enneagram number is. What is has opened for me, and I want to encourage you with this week, is the desire to take a deeper dive than I ever have into self-discovery.

Do You Have a Dream? Realizing it is Invaluable

I am encountering more and more people who are carrying with them a deep-rooted dream. That’s good news. The bad news is that they have been carrying this dream with them for many, many years, if not most of their lives.

The question is why would someone carry something so important and valuable to them for so long without acting upon it? The simple answer is one of two things, neither of which are good. Fear or excuses. Fear that they could never become the person of their dreams or excuses why everything has to be “just right” in order for their dreams to become a reality.

How Comfortable are you to Challenge your Future?

There is a question that we were all asked as children. The answers usually were irrelevant as we grew up and left childhood dreams behind. For some, however, perhaps the dream never died. Either way, as we became parents and our friends became parents, we carried on the multigenerational tradition of asking the question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Wrong question. 

I want to challenge you to begin a revolution to change this tradition. Not to squash the dreams of children, rather give them more altitude. Perhaps it is because our world is undergoing monumental changes. Truly I believe no matter what out of our control conditions exist, the question needs a small tweak with the first word. It’s a slight change but one that will make all the difference – for the child and for the world.

WHO do you want to be when you grow up?”

Action Equals Achievement that Dreams will Never Accomplish

When it comes to accomplishments in life, no matter whether it is personal, professional, relational; or any other facet, there are dreamers and there are achievers. If you’re like most people, you likely see yourself as the latter rather than the former.

If you’re not sure, or if you find yourself with a lot of dreams but not a lot of accomplishments I want to share with you in this post what separates dreamers from achievers and the three easy steps to transition into someone who is consistently achieving their goals and desires.